Thursday, December 16, 2010


The auto pilot locked the Captain of the ship in his room and took the plant away from us and through me and Eva into the garbage patch. When i woke up after the terrible landing we were already sarted moving towards the airlock doors. All of a sudden the cleaner robot came and stoped the doors from closing. We escaped but i was in a bad shape. Eava went all around looking for chip that could replace my old one that fried in the battle between the autopilot and me. Without replacing it we started our quest on getting this ship back to earth. We ran all the way to the ton the pool where the plant should be placed. We droped it it got missing with the fat people that were there. Iran towards the logo and Eva started looking for the plant. The pilot tried shutting it but i was there trying to hold it from closing. He put an extra push to it and squished me into pieces. I blacked out. The next thing happened was Eva holding my hand and we were back to earth already. THE END..........

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