Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Eva opened up and the plant was missing, the called a false alarm and everything was back to normal. Then the Captain spotted me. I shook his hand and he sent me to the repair department because i was really dirty, Eva was taken with me. we reached there and they put into a small prison. They took Eva all the way to the end of the department and closed the doors. It had a glass window so i could see whatever was going on. I saw them ripping her hand apart then they on cutting her head with a saw. i quickly broke out of my cell and towards the doors. i went right through the glass doors and grabed Eva's hand from one of the robots. It accidently fired a shot and it hit the control panel of the department which basically shutdown all the robots that were working there. It send a red alert all through out the ship. It sent a message to all the guards in the ship. We were the most wanted robots in the whole ship. She took me to the escape shuttle and there we saw a guard putting the plant into the shuttle and it put into a self desruct mode.

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