Monday, December 13, 2010


Today i woke up, did the same thing i usually do. Walked to the junkyard and started compacting garbage. It was time to go home, i started my journey home. As i reached home right in front of my house there was this red laser beam that stayed there. As i approached it it started to move. i kept following it until i got surrounded by a whole bunch of these red laser beams. Then there was this growling sound of thunder, i looked up into the sky and there was this huge spaceship trying to land right above me. I couldnt escape because all the thrusters of the spaceship were sorrounding me leaving me no room to escape. I dug a hole in the ground to hide myself from. After it landed the legs started to open and there was this white advanced looking robot poped out and immediately started looking for something. After that the spaceship left leaving her behind. She went around searching and i followed her arround until she spotted me and stared open fire.

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