Friday, January 14, 2011


"Wall-E" won't be getting a sequel treatment, insisted the animated movie's writer/director Andrew Stanton. Sharing out what he has in mind of the sequel issue, the 43-year-old filmmaker tells MTV News, "Personally, I never consider sequels. I think that takes a lot of hubris to think that your idea is going to live on and on, and I always love the idea of something just being contained and done."

Explaining the reason behind why he is not going to make the sequel for the robot romance film, Stanton points out on the working process of "Wall-E", "We work on these things for so long, that we have a hard time simply thinking that the [first] film is ever going to be done." The director of "Finding Nemo" further adds, "I'm not against sequels, and I've certainly experienced personally and seen secondhand great sequels, but I don't go in with that intent."

A 2008 computer-animated sci-fi/romance film from Pixar, "Wall-E" has become the studio's ninth consecutive movie to land #1 at the box office upon its release on June 26. Having collected so far $532.9 million worldwide, the animated film has won various awards, including the Best Animated Feature Film from the 66th Golden Globe Awards. It also received six nominations from the 81st Annual Academy Awards.

"Wall-E" won't be getting a sequel treatment, insisted the animated movie's writer/director Andrew Stanton. Sharing out what he has in mind of the sequel issue, the 43-year-old filmmaker tells MTV News, "Personally, I never consider sequels. I think that takes a lot of hubris to think that your idea is going to live on and on, and I always love the idea of something just being contained and done."

Explaining the reason behind why he is not going to make the sequel for the robot romance film, Stanton points out on the working process of "Wall-E", "We work on these things for so long, that we have a hard time simply thinking that the [first] film is ever going to be done." The director of "Finding Nemo" further adds, "I'm not against sequels, and I've certainly experienced personally and seen secondhand great sequels, but I don't go in with that intent."

A 2008 computer-animated sci-fi/romance film from Pixar, "Wall-E" has become the studio's ninth consecutive movie to land #1 at the box office upon its release on June 26. Having collected so far $532.9 million worldwide, the animated film has won various awards, including the Best Animated Feature Film from the 66th Golden Globe Awards. It also received six nominations from the 81st Annual Academy Awards.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


The auto pilot locked the Captain of the ship in his room and took the plant away from us and through me and Eva into the garbage patch. When i woke up after the terrible landing we were already sarted moving towards the airlock doors. All of a sudden the cleaner robot came and stoped the doors from closing. We escaped but i was in a bad shape. Eava went all around looking for chip that could replace my old one that fried in the battle between the autopilot and me. Without replacing it we started our quest on getting this ship back to earth. We ran all the way to the ton the pool where the plant should be placed. We droped it it got missing with the fat people that were there. Iran towards the logo and Eva started looking for the plant. The pilot tried shutting it but i was there trying to hold it from closing. He put an extra push to it and squished me into pieces. I blacked out. The next thing happened was Eva holding my hand and we were back to earth already. THE END..........

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Eva opened up and the plant was missing, the called a false alarm and everything was back to normal. Then the Captain spotted me. I shook his hand and he sent me to the repair department because i was really dirty, Eva was taken with me. we reached there and they put into a small prison. They took Eva all the way to the end of the department and closed the doors. It had a glass window so i could see whatever was going on. I saw them ripping her hand apart then they on cutting her head with a saw. i quickly broke out of my cell and towards the doors. i went right through the glass doors and grabed Eva's hand from one of the robots. It accidently fired a shot and it hit the control panel of the department which basically shutdown all the robots that were working there. It send a red alert all through out the ship. It sent a message to all the guards in the ship. We were the most wanted robots in the whole ship. She took me to the escape shuttle and there we saw a guard putting the plant into the shuttle and it put into a self desruct mode.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I thougt of showing Eva the plant i found but when i showed it to her she started to vibrate, she took the plant and went into sleep mode. i waited till the next day but there was still no response i went to work as usual and then the spaceship returned to take Eva back I ran towards it to get aboard but instead i just stayed outside. It took off and went into space. It tok us a while but then we landed and they took Eva. I followed them, and we through a whole new world. There were fat people wearing red costumes everywhere going on big modernized wheelchairs but without wheels they were just floating. We came to a stop. I took the elevator which Eva was on and we went to a dark room. They were looking at Eva when I fell into a hole. It was the Captain's room he woke up, the worker robots started dressing him up, he went up took a coffe and realised it was late for daily announcements

Monday, December 13, 2010


Today i woke up, did the same thing i usually do. Walked to the junkyard and started compacting garbage. It was time to go home, i started my journey home. As i reached home right in front of my house there was this red laser beam that stayed there. As i approached it it started to move. i kept following it until i got surrounded by a whole bunch of these red laser beams. Then there was this growling sound of thunder, i looked up into the sky and there was this huge spaceship trying to land right above me. I couldnt escape because all the thrusters of the spaceship were sorrounding me leaving me no room to escape. I dug a hole in the ground to hide myself from. After it landed the legs started to open and there was this white advanced looking robot poped out and immediately started looking for something. After that the spaceship left leaving her behind. She went around searching and i followed her arround until she spotted me and stared open fire.

Friday, December 10, 2010


This is Rj, I'm here doing the same thing I do everyday. I usually collect piles of garbage and compress them into small cubes. Then there was this bug that i met while i wasd doing my last pile. I took my lunch box and told him hop on. It takes me a long time to get home.On the way home i As i reached home, i turned the tv on kept the stuff that i found on the junkyard.Then I went to bed.